Welcome to Nigel in Uganda, the one and only place for news and gossip about my time away from the UK, especially since I'm not on Facebook. Several of you were foolhardy enough to encourage me to relate my experiences in a blog, just as I did for my South American cycling trip (click here if you missed out). This means that you will now be inflicted with not two months but and entire year of my ramblings, but you only have yourselves to blame for that.
Those of you who followed my South America blog will remember with fondness the statistical feast that followed each entry, where you could read about how many metres were in the gravity bank, the status of my burgeoning facial hair, and the most useful Spanish word learnt. I'm not one to let pointless traditions die, so here's what you can look forward to this time round:
Ugandans are rumoured to be amongst the friendliest folk you'll find - see how many new friends I've made on the friendometer.
Close Encounters of the African Kind
No trip to Africa is complete without being disproportionately terrified by some fearsome insect. May also include lucky escapes from gorillas, bad driving and insidious expats.
Office Hours
How hard am I actually working? An opportunity for me to show off about either how much or how little I'm doing.
And finally... competition time!
There were those who took great pleasure in correcting errors of fact in my South American blog, such as the difference between camels and llamas, and the history of amphitheatres. To cater for the more pedantic among you, I will run an ongoing 'spot the deliberate mistake' competition. This is mainly to protect my pride in the aftermath of the genuine mistakes that I will inevitably make. Each blog entry I will publish a league table of results, with a grand prize for the overall winner.
Idiot,lama only has 1 L,or am I being dlyslecxix!?My mum said sumit bout personal pronoun being missing,but who knows what that means(despite this error in syntax she sends her love)!Glad you got there safely and I can't wait to hear more of your news,lots of love from all of us(in Los Alcazares)x
My comment that never reached you was about spiders. When I got home from Glos there was one in the bath of Olympian proportions, over two inches (6 cms to you in euros)- beat that!! Dad said it had been there for a couple of days. He denies he was too scared to move it. Any other interesting insects apart from the mossies?
Love Mum xxx
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